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Property Tax Frequently Asked Questions

Important note to Tax Payment Services and Title Companies:  The fastest way  way to get copies of tax bills and answers to questions that cannot be answered on the BS&A website portal is to email Kim Edwards at


How many tax bills are there and when are they mailed?

Summer Property Tax bills are mailed July 1 of each year and due September 14 (or the next business day if this is a weekend or holiday).
Winter Property Tax bills are mailed December 1 of each year and are due on February 14 (or the next business day if this is a weekend or holiday).
What is the last date to I can pay at the Township?
You can pay both summer and winter property tax bills at the Township until February 28 of each year. After this, you will need to see the Newaygo County Treasurer at 1087 E. Newell Street , White Cloud or call them at 231-689-7230 to get your tax amounts and make payments. 
How do I change my address?
If you have moved, please make sure to let me know your new mailing address so you will continue to receive your tax bills in a timely manner. The easiest method to update your address is by sending an email to:
What do I do if I did not get a tax bill or I got a tax bill for a property I sold?
If you close on a property after May 1 or November 1, it is possible that the deed will not be recorded and the new owner information passed on through the system for the tax bill to be updated before the cutoff for printing.
If you have sold a property and receive the tax bill, please check your buy/sell agreement and closing papers to verify who is responsible for the bill. If you do not owe the bill, if you can pass it on to the new owner that is great. There is nothing more you need to do.
If you have purchased a property and do not receive the tax bill, please check your buy/sell agreement and closing papers to verify who is responsible for the bill. If you owe the bill, you can contact the previous owner to see if they have it, or contact our office to get a copy.  
The current owner will be responsible for the bill regardless of the name on the bill.  We can not change the name on a tax bill after it is printed. If you are paying a bill with the previous owner's name, you can have us note on the receipt that you are the one paying it. It
How can I view my property tax bill online?
You can view your property tax bill online through Access My Gov portal powered by BS&A software.  It's free to property owners to view your bill and displays the latest amount downue.  You'll have to create an account and then you may search by name, address or parcel number.  You can not make your payment on this page. To make a credit card payment, please see the directions below. 
How can I pay my tax bill with a credit card?
Pay your bill with a credit card via the AllPaid website using the link or QR code below.. If you search for, the Croton Township PLC# is 4226.  
Why is there a fee to pay with a credit card and who does it go to?
Croton Township does not charge you a fee to pay with a credit card. AllPaid will charge you approximately 3% of your payment to process your payment and send the funds to Croton Township. 
Unfortunately due to the fact that your tax bill is comprised of money that is being sent on to the schools and various millages, the Township has no way to absorb this fee. 
How do I find out how my assessment is calculated and what do I do if I think it's wrong?
Questions about property assessments, hardship exemptions, PRE exemptions, or veteran’s exemptions must be directed to the Assessor's office.  Please call the Assessor Jackie Thompson at 231-652-4301 during Township office hours on Wednesdays from 9am – 12 pm or at 231-245-1410 during non-office hours.
To appeal your assessment, you must contact the Assessor by the date on your Property Statement or Tax Bill by the date listed. 
What do I do if I have delinquent property taxes and it is after March 1?
Delinquent tax bills for 2023 or previous years are payable to the Newaygo County Treasurer at 231-689-7230. Their AllPaid PLC# is 9160.
Who do I contact for other Township information?
​​​​​​​​​For Township Zoning, Cemetery, Transfer Station and all Township question except taxes, please call the main line at 231-652-4301.
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